Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 8...

Well, we have made it past our first full week of fasting with only minor setbacks (i.e. the pinkberry cheat and the engagement night celebratory cheat).

Here are a few things I have learned about myself during these 8 or so days:

1. I eat way more often than I am ever hungry.
2. I eat out of habit or craving way too often.
3. I have learned an incredible amount of discipline. So many times I have wanted to just throw in the towel (oh no, 32 more days to go?!) but I keep reminding myself that I am a part of something and I vowed to do it, so I can stick with it.
4. I love Sundays.
5. I need to spend way more of my day in prayer.
6. Matt can eat a lot.
7. Going out to dinner on this fast is not too hard, especially if you go Italian.  We went to BICE (pronounce bea-chay) as an engagement dinner with Matt's (and soon my!) brother & sister-in-law.  We were able to order soup (Minestrone, soooo delicious) and whole wheat pasta with a garlic tomato sauce.  It was actually really great food, fast or no fast...just no pinot to accompany it :(
8. Matt is a great partner to complete this fast with. He is very disciplined and there is no room for cheating with him.  I would have definitely caved on Monday night at dinner, without him.
9. I am stronger than I thought I was. Yesterday, at Starbucks, I served people wraps, sandwiches, drinks, muffins, cupcakes, cinnamon rolls heated up with frosting dripping over the edge (I should stop now...) with out ever once slipping or even wishing I was eating those things. I am really starting to like eating healthily. When it comes down to it, we are simply eating healthy. We are not eating potato chips, french fries, big fat steaks, etc. etc. etc. and even though it is hard, this is so good.

Countdown: 31 and a half days.
Countdown til Sunday: 2 and a half days.

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