Saturday, February 27, 2010

36.68.108...and counting...

Yesterday, during my day off, I realized that I have quite a few very exciting things to be looking forward I went to the apple homepage and downloaded myself some widgets...some countdown widgets. I have 3 countdowns going on on my computer and I figured I would share them with you so we can count down together!!!

From Soonest to latest...
1) 36...days til I can eat again. (This is actually much more like 30, but my computer doesn't know that I get Sundays off)
2) 68...days until the end of my school semester.
3) 104...days until my wedding day.

I have been spending my hours looking at wedding dresses, venues, invites, guest lists, wedding party line-ups, and the list goes on...and on...and on...and on...and I could not be more thrilled that it does...

1 comment:

Andrea G. Vaudrey said...

Thanks for the last post. You are wonderful. I love your countdowns!! It's so fun to have AMAZING things to look forward to. I can't wait to hear about how dress hunting goes.