Monday, August 16, 2010


Last night, we arrived at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona at 7:13pm.

and we are


Don't get me wrong, we had the most gloriously humid weekend in Kansas City with my in-laws and precious niece (pics to come) and even found an afternoon in mission hills (fabulous) and matt bought me this little number which i so happen to adore and am wearing this very moment... and ate at Noodles & Co. (if you already knew of this deliciousness and did not tell me about it...shame on you...) and went to two baseball games and saw all of the Yankees players coming out of their clubhouse in the family waiting area (we managed to keep our mouths closed even though our jaws were dying to drop)  and we sipped delicious pinot noir around a fantastic plate of cheese and crackers after the game,and matt even managed to find me a caribou coffee and woke me up holding my favorite drink,...

But, praise the Lord we are home. I am so happy to simply be able to spend a day off at home, unpacking *(yes, still...don't hate), doing laundry, making a fabulous menu for meals spent in our very own home, escaping to my favorite coffee shop to write, read, etc. I am so happy to put clean sheets on our very own bed and crawl in for my 65th restless nights sleep next to my husband (Unfortunately, I found out after we sealed the deal that mr. matt is a horrid sleeper...he is up every five minutes and shifting around the other four...ugh).

Anyways, I have found myself at one of my fave escape locations, thrilled to spend the afternoon simply writing, praying, reading, pondering, and praising....which has me thinking...

Even though this summer has been one thousand percent jam packed, it has also been filled with nuggets of beauty and splendor. It has been a summer where I have grown and thirsted more than any other summer I can remember. I am accepting and allowing myself to receive God's grace more than I can remember...but the most beautiful thing is I am feeling His deeply...which is also leading me to have confidence in myself...hmmm...I wonder if this has anything to do with what God is showing me through the covenant of marriage...

Anyways, I am going to get back to my lovely afternoon of immersion in books, music, big train chai tea, and thoughts...

1 comment:

KMichelle said...

This sounds wonderful... I'm so happy for you! :) Soak in escape time with everything you've got!