Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So I have this precious Italian Grandma who my family and I affectionately refer to as, 'Noni' (which is Italian for Grandmother). I am her only blood-related Granddaughter and she and I have always shared something special. We are similar in so many ways it is comical. I have her exact hands, knees, heels (yes that is possible), stubborn personality, and the list goes on and on.

This is us at her 84th birthday party

Well, the last year or so, Noni has not been feeling so great, and her health is fading. She has been in the hospital for the past few weeks and her kidneys have shut down completely. We have been torn between selfishly pushing to keep her alive or allowing her to get her selfish, stubborn, Italian way and go be with Jesus in heaven. Today, we decided to let Non have her way. Tomorrow, she will be going home from the hospital, to live out her remaining days with my Aunt Patty just about 1 mile away from our house. I love this woman so dearly and I cannot imagine my life with out her feisty presence.  Here are some of her finer moments and quotes:

-she never wanted to have her picture taken, and I have a classic photo of us on a family cruise with a napkin draped over her head.
-she hates old people.
-her cupboards are currently STACKED with twinkies, dove chocolate ice cream bars, ice cream sandwiches, and a lot of other not-so-healthy food.
-she loves finding the picture of the needle in the country magazine that comes to our house.
-her hearing has been fading for years so we bought her hearing aids...she refuses to wear them because, when she does, she can hear everything and she doesn't like it as much.
- she is so bossy.
-I remember always going over to her house by the lake and drinking squirt and dark cherry soda.
- She is paying $200 of my wedding dress.
- she laid in her hospital bed, crying that she did not have the strength to make it til June to see me walk down the aisle.

So, Noni...I just completely adore you. I know you are not gone yet, and I am thankful for the remaining days I have to spend with you and love you and be with you. Thanks for loving me and making me laugh. Always.


Kate said...

This was a beautiful post. You can't forget about her Del Taco runs. Oh how she loves her some Del Taco.

carleyverlene said...

oh i had so many things i wanted to add to the list, but by the end I was just crying so hard that i just stopped thinking...but del taco will definitely be a highlight among my memories of her. :)