Friday, March 5, 2010

I can't wait...

to eat again. to read a book for pleasure. to be married to my best friend. to go on trips with just matt & parents! to stock my own pantry full of foods and ingredients that i will make for my husband. to be done with my master's. to look at my wedding pictures thousands of times. to see dena & kari next week. to watch amber walk down the aisle. to be an auntie to little avalynne (due in july!) <-- Mitch & Karrie' become more rooted in our church and make better friends there. to splash around in the pool this summer. to wake up June 13th. to see what life after grad school holds. to never make another cup of coffee. to waddle around all pregnant (this one will be far, far off!). to run a marathon. to see what happens on the final episode of lost. to never make the drive to california again (well, for vacations...but not for class every week). to get a new email address with my new last name. to go see the kern family for the first time up in wisconsin and thank them for paying for my education for the last three years. to see where matt is taking me for our honeymoon (it's a surprise). to see all of our friends and family come together from all walks of life in order to celebrate our marriage...which reminds me...

I can't wait to be Mrs. Carley Maier


Unknown said...

To wake up on June 13th is my favorite one....but for me, I would replace June 13th for October 10th, wait maybe 11th :) I will have a husband lying next to me :)

Eblohm said...

i love that you can't wait to find out what happens on the last episode of LOST. I am obsessed. Literally. Obsessed. With. That. Show.