Monday, March 29, 2010

3 Happy Thoughts...

When I was a little girl, and I was having a really bad or sad day, my mom would always make me tell her three. happy. thoughts.

I hated doing this.

I just wanted to stay sad and mopey and 'whoa is me'. Yes. Even when I was like five. I have always been dramatic.

So things in my life have been a little sad and difficult lately and I could choose to get really overwhelmed and sad. But instead.

I'm going to choose three. happy. things.

1. I just sat outside at Starbucks (what I am so jealous of people for doing when I work) and had a great conversation with a great friend who is in the exact same walk of life as me right now and it is like 75 degrees and gorgeous out.

2. The fact that my school is being paid for. I often get so focused on my homework and my papers that I forget that I am only in school because of the generosity of someone else who believes in me.

3. I will be Mrs. Carley Maier in 75 short days.  
even if it seems forever away...this is a happy thought so I will focus on the fact that I'm even getting married!!!

I even feel happier after writing these things and ready to move on with my day...

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