Saturday, August 6, 2011

the. hunger. games.

ok people.

if you are like me you love a good book. scratch that. you become obsessed, neigh, consumed with a good book. note my fave book list on the bottom of my page.

and a series of books?! forget about it.

I am very passionate about the written word and seriously would prefer reading over watching tv or a movie...IF the author captivates me. A well-written book is like a beautiful piece of art. I so respect authors who can use the computer as their paint brush.

insert Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games here.

Oh my word i may be late to catch this wave but I am forever indebted to my co-worker, Aymee Shank Roberts for forcing these books in to my hands.

If you have not read them and even more if you have never heard of them, I urge you to purchase them or race to your local library and check them out.


do not read the summary or ask anyone what they are about.

that's how I went in to reading them. the first 30 or so pages were a mass confusion as to what in the h-e-double-hockey-sticks was going on. but I would have it no other way. i mean. if you couldn't imagine reading a book prior to knowing what it was about then i guess it is ultimately your decision. but I was so pleasantly surprised going in to it having NO idea what these alleged "hunger games" were about...

*** will become addicted. you will not be able to put them down. so please. make sure you have time to devote to the reading of these 3 books. don't say i didn't warn you.***


Miss Kate said...

Ohhh we need to start a book club, asap. I am on Catching Fire right now, and I am looooving it! I can't wait to discuss the books with you! xo

carleyverlene said...


karamurano said...

I'm a friend from kaylyn's blog :) my gut told me to trust your recommendation so I ordered the trilogy from amazon. I read the hunger games in 2 days and already started the next book! so amazing!