Friday, August 5, 2011

the half.

if you are like me, running does not come easily. i am not one of those girls who could lace up my sneakers and run for miles. in a cutesy tight tank top & running skirt. with zero sweat running down my face. oh no. i am the girl in my husband's over-sized shirt. red as a tomato (*mallorie analogy) get the picture.

twice i have claimed i was going to run a real. live. race.

the first was a full marathon. i missed the first day of training. (in my defense, it was also my first semester of seminary, which was a bit harder to adjust to than i was thinking

the second was a half marathon. which is four weeks away and i never signed up. (which, if you read the post above, i have been pre-occupied not only with traveling everywhere but i have been emotionally occupied)

i am proud to say i am part of a running club, though. we are called the Bean Stalkers due to the fact that we are all starbucks partners. :) we update one another on our progress and are even running the Rugged Maniac in November...if i can embrace getting all muddy and dirty...

one fantastic thing that happened during my summer was the formation of a missional community (90's term would be small group) that matt & i are in. i seriously feel so blessed to be apart of this community. there are 14 of us total. new friendships have been formed, for sure. and God has been so good. remember how i mentioned going to vegas? well, i was fully equipped with the most gorgeous clothes thanks to one of my new friends in my mc letting my have full reign of her closet. another friend of mine, Mallorie, who is owner to the tomato analogy, is about to embark on a pretty intense journey with me.

it is called the half marathon. 

that's right.

my third attempt at running a race. and this time, i have every reason to believe we will find success. because we are going to keep each other accountable. and run our long runs together. our race is not until january 15th so we have plenty of time to train and prepare. i'm sure i will keep you posted on how things are going. and maybe, just maybe, i will buy a cutesy tank for the race.

ps today i read a running magazine, which claimed that drinking a slushie or eating a popsicle prior to running can lower your body temperature, thus increasing your endurance & lengthening your run time by up to 20%! I am gonna try it! (mainly because I LOVE slushies!...and it's like a sauna outside)

run on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you can do it girl!!! all you need is 1 half marathon and you'll catch the bug ;)

ps: i read the article in runners world too :)