Monday, August 29, 2011

Food Inc.

Ok. I have never been a big fan of vegetarianism. I feel like God gave us animals to benefit from rather than simply to look at. And I know there are a ton of documentaries out there that could probably discourage me from ever eating another animal again due to the gruesome slaughter they undergo. It is very easy for me to put this out of my mind when I bite in to a burger or a great grilled chicken breast. Sometimes (like once a season) I go to the 1$ menu at a fast food restaurant and purchase chicken or a burger due to the great value.

until now.

For one reason or another I decided that watching the documentary, Food inc. would be a good idea. One of my friends mentioned this film to me while we were at coffee and it sounded intriguing. And I realize several documentaries are filled with propaganda and persuasive speech which causes the viewer to make irrational, emotional decisions or snap judgments. But this film opened my eyes (*they got me).

This was not a film seeking to dissuade its audience from ever biting in to another burger or drink a glass of milk by showing gruesome hidden video clips from slaughterhouses. It simply encouraged the consumer to trace down the origin of the food we eat. I know it is personally changing my perspective on meats or products I choose to purchase.

  • eat free range chicken, eggs, etc.
  • drink milk from cows not treated with rBST or rBGH
  • buy meat from cows fed with grass, NOT corn (trust me)
  • look at labels before you purchase random food
  • purchase food not processed with GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms)
  • if possible, purchase organic options (this gives consumers the power to send a message to the grocery store that we prefer healthy options) 
  • if you have 93 spare minutes, watch the documentary

This film made me conscious of the food that I am serving both myself and my husband. I am the decision-maker of what goes in Matt's body & that is very important to me. This has also caused me to research restaurants I decide to patron. Chipotle is a great option for fast food with integrity. If you have any additional comments or restaurants or products that you know of please let me know!

ps...anyone wanna go in with Matt & me and buy a cow?

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