Tuesday, April 19, 2011

crafty time...

I have had this apothecary-esque cabinet/dresser since I was in high school. It has followed me around for the past few apartments and currently sits in the hallway to our bathroom....one problem...

it is ugly as all get out! I painted it with little stars and suns one day because I thought it was super cute...but I was wrong...

don't believe me? check this thing out...

So for the past few years I have wanted to fix it somehow but never got around to it. And when it followed us to our new apartment and takes up a prominent place in our apartment, I vowed it would be the first thing I did when I got a free day...that day came today!

I spent the day running to hobby lobby (twice) and sanding and sanding and sanding some more...I seriously didn't even go to the gym because I was a sanding machine! but it was totally worth it...because here is the finished product! for the total price of $15.72!