Friday, June 4, 2010

Just breathe...

The majority of my life has been spent wishing things would speed up.

When I was in middle school, I couldn't wait to be in junior high.

When I was in junior high, I just wanted to get my driver's license and my first kiss.

When I was in college, I was just waiting for that guy to come along and sweep me off of my feet so I could hurry up and get married and have babies.

But now that I am up against the biggest day of my life I wish things would just

slow down.

I know it is partially my fault for attempting at having the most glorious wedding ceremony and reception given three and a half months of planning all while working and writing insane amounts of papers and finals. 
I logged on to my bb&b registry today and what I saw literally made me gasp for breath.

It said:
8 days 'til our wedding
Not only that, but it is accompanied with this little picture of an alarm clock, which, at this point, appears as more of a mockery than might as well be laughing at me. When I looked at it, I almost laughed thinking, wow the registry didn't really update itself correctly...and then I's true.

I only have 8 more days. 

My to-do list is almost borderline laughable. Because we get the keys to our apartment in t-minus 1 hour and 28 minutes. So add the stress of moving two people's belongings to a neverending wedding list and you have got one stressed-out-to-the-max-bride. (and groom, as Matt has taken a very active role in every step of this process)

I was just looking through one of my friend's recent weddings in Montana and the pictures are breath-taking. I found myself realizing that I would be in her same spot in too few amount of days. I will be the one throwing the thursday-before-the-wedding-barbecue for all out of town family and friends. I will be in pictures with the caption reading "bride and groom". This friend just wrote on my facebook "take time to soak it all in. It goes by way too fast." I couldn't agree more.

And it makes me want to slow down. and breath deeply. 

If you know me at all, you know that when I get stressed, I tend to take three quick short rapid intense breaths in and then a long breath out...I have found myself doing that with almost every breath today. 

I really love tazo refresh tea. Almost as much as I love sipping it, I love smelling it. There is something calming and soothing and relaxing about sniffing in this spearmint-y aroma that works as an aromatherapy on my senses and soul. Now that I am getting so stressed, I constantly imagine myself smelling in this scent and I get a fraction of relief.

So, from here on out, I am going to breathe in deeply, as if I have refresh tea semi-permanently implanted under my little nose. For the next 8 days, I am going to take memory photographs of each and every moment.

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