Thursday, March 31, 2011


Ok so it is getting hotter out (supposed to be freaking 97 degrees tomorrow :( ) and getting sunny earlier and staying bright longer. AKA, the season is changing.

I always look forward to the change of seasons (even though Arizonans only experience hot and hotter) because after a whole three months of jackets, coats, boots, and scarves I kinda look forward to bbq's and swimming and warm summer nights. And then after three months of that I cannot wait to get my boots back on and have it be dark at 5:30 at night.

And even though we are in the midst of a changing season right now, I want to focus more on seasons in life.

I remember being little, looking at my older cousins and wishing I was older.

And then wishing when I was in junior high that I was able to drive.

And then wishing I could have a drink when all of my friends were and I was only 18.

And then wishing I was married when I was still single and all my friends were getting married...

And now I am married. And it is literally so worth all the times I wished this upon myself.

But I still find myself wishing.

I wish I were done with grad school.

I wish grad school would last longer.

I wish I had a full-time job in a church.

I wish I had children like so many of our church friends do...

And I finally had to stop and realize....I am in a season. And if I do not stop to enjoy this season, I am going to miss it...I realized this as I was skyping my old roommate, Dena.  I remember when I was living with her, I was so excited to get married...not because I didn't love living with Dena because, let's be honest...we had some crazy fun times!!!! But I just wanted to be married! And when we were skyping I started crying because I realized how much I missed her and missed being crazy and running to taco bell and then yoga and trying to do handstands against the wall or jumping jacks during commercial breaks...and then I remember when I tried to make mojitos and learned the hard way that shaking hot water in a martini shaker without adding ice first will land you in a massively sticky juicy mess. But I hope and pray that I did not miss the thrill of singleness because I just wanted to be married.

And the same is true for almost every season of my life. So rather than wish beyond anything that I could be in a different season, I am going to try to enjoy every second of the current season I'm in.

And I encourage you to do the same. If you are a reader who finds yourself up your girlfriends and have crazy fun doing whatever it is that you do! and enjoy every single second of it! Because it won't last forever. Believe me. I remember balling to my mom swearing that I would never get married!!!! and that worrying got me nowhere...but it probably did steal and rob a few nights that had the potential of holding great joy and happiness.

And if you are a reader who wishes you could have children but God has not yet blessed your womb...go on a date with your husband and stay out extra late or run around your house naked just because you can! or take an impromptu overnight vacation that you will never be able to do when God blesses your family with children... get my point...I hope...

I hope that you will learn from my mistakes, earlier than I learned from my own to simply enjoy the thrill of whatever season you are in...because no matter what season you are in...there is beauty in it. you might just have to look a little harder to find it sometimes...but I promise you it is there.


Dena Lynne said...

i love you dearly and am so glad we have been able to share so many amazing moments together as single ladies. can't wait to be reunited :)

Lori Greene said...

How very wise of you Carley Maier! Remember all of this when God does bless your womb and you are tired of being pregnant, can't wait for the baby to crawl or walk, and so on. Enjoy each stage. Each stage has it's blessings and burdens, no need to rush.

Loved your writing and your pictures.


karamurano said...

what great reminder to cherish every season. I really needed to hear this, thank you. xo