Thursday, March 24, 2011

I love...

1. water. seriously. so delish.
3. that i'm almost done with my last paper of my Master's!
4. that Session Nine Photography entered our wedding in to a wedding blog and it got featured! So funny.
5. darling spuds. specifically the sour cream with a hint of chili. you should be able to find them at your local Starbucks establishment.
6. running. I am on a two-day streak (*yes, I will celebrate 2 days...because they are 2 days that should be celebrated) of running outside after years and years of strictly running on treadmills and I love it! It is so gorgeous outside that I have to take advantage.
7. With all this running, I have to mention the sports bra above all sports bras. I usually run wearing at least two sports bras (tragic) because running hurts! Alas, I have found the king/queen of all sports bras. lululemon, although it's rather pricey, allows me to run with the comfort of ONE bra! woohoo! usually their website has a "we made too much" category of clearance items but it is unfortunately under renovation right now so make sure to check back or go to a lululemon near you!
8. this mug.
10. rollercoasters
11. I love me.

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