Thursday, February 3, 2011


Ok. So lately I have been getting a lot more comfortable in who God made me to be. and the talents he has blessed me with.

What's more exciting is, because this has taken place, I can now be free to look at the talents of those around me and literally praise God in how he has blessed other people in their own special way.

Take, for example, the ever-popular American Idol.  Ok, I know it's like, "Hello, Carley this is the hundredth season..." but this season as I watch auditions, I literally find myself praising God that he blessed certain people with the type of voice they have. I especially love the little squishy kids or the most unassuming people that walk in and are immediately judged by Stephen,  Paula Jennifer and Randy. Then they open their mouths and an angel flies out. If someone had a secret camera hidden while I watch the show alone in my living room, I would be so embarrassed. Because I scream (due to joy), cry, laugh, stand up, hoot and holler over the voices of those I have never met and will never meet.

I also love food network (thanks, in large part to living with Dena who watched it constantly).  As I try the recipes I watch these chefs make, I thank God for blessing them with the ability to blend ingredients so masterfully (and, need I add tastefully).

Another example, which is a little bit more close to home is my best friend, Kaylyn. If I say God has blessed me with her friendship, that would be a vast understatement. There were many times these past three years of seminary where she was my literal life boat. She offered me that Ecclesiastes 4 kind of love.
Well God has given her the distinct ability to blog like none other. She is so gifted in this area. If you haven't read her blog before, take a little while and read her many posts that are so colorful. For awhile, I was so intimidated to blog because of her unique abilities. I would get anxious looking at her blog because I felt threatened that somehow, through her gifting, I was being stunted. It had nothing to do with her blog, but with my insecurity.

Which brings me to my next point...someone has set out to bully, intimidate, threaten and demean Kaylyn's talent on her blog. This person has decided to post anonymous quotes belittling her and I cannot stand idly by. Because Kaylyn has doubted whether or not she should keep blogging. And this is such a crime. Because she is good.

When I sit and think about it I get so mad. I get angry. But then I think again...

And it makes me feel badly for this person. It actually makes me want to minister to them and hug them because they have such a negative perception of who they are that they cannot enjoy the talent God has blessed someone else with. And instead, they feel the need to threaten someone else anonymously.

If you are someone, like I was for years, who battles with self confidence, self esteem, or a healthy perception of yourself please find your very best friend in the world. Ask that person what they see when they look at you...and choose to believe them. And then go, read Kaylyn's blog and be blessed.


Travelare said...

Inspiring, -- :-)

Kaylyn Machelle said...

i just love you so much.

carleyverlene said...

i love you back. in case you didn't know :)