Monday, February 7, 2011

New favorites...

Ok so I have recently uncovered some new favorite things and I thought, rather than hoard them, I will share them with you!

1. Sid Dickens. Ok I realize they are a bit pricey, at $92 a square but I just think they are so fun. My district manager has a line of them on her wall and they are SO fun. 

2. Bed Head Hairspray. I am blessed/cursed with the silkiest hair that hates to get knotty so finding a hairspray that will do the trick has been a 27-year long challenge. But I finally found it. seriously. wonderful.

3. Little Black Dress Cabernet, 2008. I was at a dinner party Saturday night and enjoyed some of this wine. de-lish.

4. NoRTH restaurant by fox restaurant concepts. Such a delicious restaurant. We went there with Mitch and Karrie (Matt's brother and wife) on Friday night. We got steamed artichokes and bruschetta for appetizers and I had chicken Parmesan for dinner. drooling. ok...check to see if you have one in your area. Or book a flight to come visit me :)

5. This recipe by Rachel Ray. I've made it twice in two weeks for Matt & he constantly asks me to make it more.

6. Big Train Chocolate Chai. Matt does a lot of math tutoring on the side and, for Christmas, one family got him me a huge bag of this. I can't get enough. I am a huge chai connoisseur and big train has been a fave of mine for years, but the chocolate kind is new to me!
 7. Matt Chandler. He is a pastor in Texas. If you are a fan of podcasting sermons do yourself a favor and listen to him. He will blow your mind. Matt & I listen to him in the car for hours and hours on roadtrips. He is my ultimate favorite speaker.

That's all for now...I need to go back to paper writing!

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