Friday, January 7, 2011

11 things @ me so far in 2011...

1. I recently got a stick shift (like a week ago). I have never driven a stick before. Instead of getting better with each day, I think I am getting worse...sigh...

2. I am pretty sure coffee gives me panic attacks. I have been trying to incorporate coffee in to my daily routine and the past two days, approximately fifteen minutes after consumption, I feel like my life is ending & I want to curl in a ball and sob. weird. 

3. I am probably the most excited about the present I got from a family at Matt's school...they gave us grapefruits and oranges from their backyard trees & I think i am seriously in heaven. I forgot how scrumptious freshly squeezed juice could be...sorry simply grapefruit you're not as good as fresh from the squeezer machine.

4. I am currently obsessed with 3 new shows...all since the beginning of 2011! 1) 30Rock. We watched it for the first time on New Year's Eve with my kindred and her husband! (they got married in December so it's still super exciting to get to say that) so hilarious. 2) Intervention on A&E. is it bad if a show about addiction has got me addicted? ...hmmmm....and 3) E! Truly Hollywood Investigates....(insert investigation topic here) Yesterday, I watched E!THI locked up abroad, E!THI husbands who murder and E!THI husbands who kill (or something like that) and I am totally hooked (and also a little freaked that I have a life insurance policy worth far more than my decade's salary...friends, if I go missing...well...ya know...) 

5. I answered the phone yesterday to an unknown number, which I never do, and I saved myself $600 by doing so. Let me tell you why: I recently turned in my old mini cooper for a new one. Upon returning my lease, we agreed that our insurance would cover a small crack in the windshield. After a few attempts of theirs to get ahold of me, they were calling for a third and final time before foregoing my insurance and simply sending me a $600 bill! Thank GOD I answered that call! 

6. I get to make a new friend this month named Tenley Molzahn! She was on the Bachelor when stupid Jake Pavelka was on. She is becoming good friends with one of my cousins and my cousin has decided that she and I would be great friends so she's setting us up on a play date :) 

7. Matt & I have recently began seriously praying about and considering going on a mission trip to Malawi this summer. There are a few trips with an organization or our church is also going and Matt really feels called to go. 

8. I got a library card! First time since I was like eight! I decided I would try to find a few of my books for classes at the local library and turns out there are tons of benefits to having a library card! They have DVD's for free!! so fun :) can't wait til I graduate and I can do serious damage to that place.

9. I made a new year's resolution to cook more this year. I typically am so exhausted from a day's work, classes, driving to and from California, rushing off to youth group, etc etc etc that cooking has been put on the back burner. However, I have cooked every night this week & so far we have spent $24 for the whole entire week! woot woot! I get such a weird sense of pride when I have to run my dishwasher because we have gone through so many dishes from eating at home...i'm weird in 2011...

10. Tomorrow will be Matt's & my 2 year anniversary from our first date. I feel like I'm in junior high still counting our years of dating & being super excited we have made it this's to 60 more years :)  

11. Yesterday, I began my search for grown up jobs. I started emailing department heads of community colleges near us in an attempt to become an adjunct professor! What a hoot. me? a professor? here goes nothing...

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